Time to set up your banners and logos! A nice banner/logo will not only make your new site look awesome, it imprints your branding in your customers minds! The best thing about it is, it’s all under your control! You have several options to customize your website and to make it your own. To start.. We’ll show you how to do the basic 3 banners/logos you’ll need to start. First-
Click the tab that says ‘Site Graphics’ in the left margin.
Choose the ‘Large Banner’ box and press the upload button. Your Large banner is your main site banner your customers will see on your welcome page.
Drag and drop your large banner file into the box and let it upload. It will turn GREEN when it is finished. (Large banner size should be 2700×900)
Once its GREEN, hit the save button. Now, if you look at your website, the banner will be displayed in the proper position.
Next you want to upload your logo. Your logo will go in the top left hand corner of the site (and will replace the ‘Digitech” logo you see in the photo above)
Go back into ‘Site Graphics’ and go to the ‘Logo – Site Logo’ box. Click the Upload button. Same as before, drag and drop your logo file, Wait until it turns GREEN, then hit the save button. Your logo will now be displayed in place of the ‘Digitech’ logo in the upper left corner. (Site logo art size should be 400×48)
Last, the Warning Page logo. Go back into ‘Site Graphics’. Choose the Warning Page Logo box and hit the Upload button. Drag and drop your warning page logo file into the box and wait for it to turn GREEN. Then hit the save button. (HINT- To save time, you can use your logo art for your warning page logo art as well.)
Once your warning page logo is placed, you can see it displayed on your warning page.
There are other banner options available to you as well if you would like to further customize your site. These are optional. (I posted mine from ShinyBound as an example)
- Cross sale banner- A banner to advertise your other site (if you have 2 sites)
- Guest Banner- Header banner displayed when user not logged in
- Logged In Banner- Header banner displayed when user is logged in
- Member Banner- Header banner displayed when user is a paid member
Also.. If you’re having trouble coming up with artwork for your large banner, Garrett may be able to help you out. Contact him at [email protected] and he can try to help you work something up.